The holiday season is upon us and it can bring on a slew of mixed emotions. For many people, the holidays may be spent for the first time without loved ones, with difficult extended family members or overwhelm from unchecked mental health issues. For others this may be a time that is looked forward to in order to seek re-connection, have good company and fulfill old traditions.

However, holiday stress is very common. According to the American Counseling Association 38% of Americans report that their stress increases around the holidays. So here are 3 tips to help you cope with the holiday stress:

        1. Rest Many times, people are overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of the holidays and end up not sleeping because they are entertaining or expending extra energy being around family and friends and/or are involved with extracurricular activities. Lack of sleep exacerbates feelings of sadness and stress. Try to keep your healthy routines such as exercising, take breaks/naps on days when you are doing more and drink plenty of water.
        2.  Say “No”– Are you a people-pleaser and bad with setting boundaries? Well, that stress can increase significantly if you fall into doing a whole lot of things you don’t want to do. It’s OK not to go to every party you are invited to. It is also OK, if you don’t want to do any shopping, partying, etc. Listen to your body and how you feel when you agree to do “extra”.
        3. Allow yourself to “Feel”– For many people, the holidays may remind you of old memories with loved ones who are not here anymore. If you feel sad or overwhelmed, don’t stuff your emotions. Talk to someone who cares about you and your emotions. Remember, your feelings are not good or bad- they just- are. Try reflecting on the happy memories and how those loved ones made you feel. It will warm your heart.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with stress during the holidays and would like to talk to someone, feel free to call us at The Passion Care Center to speak with one of our caring, qualified therapists, 732-410-7102. Visit our website to learn about our different programs.


Written By: Jessica Bullock, LPC, LCADC, CCS