October has been observed for Domestic Violence Awareness. 1 out of every 4 women and 1 out of every 9 men are victims of domestic violence. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 20 people are victimized by a partner every minute.

Also, known as intimate partner abuse, domestic violence terrorizes families, children and communities. Domestic violence is known as any form of abuse towards your partner that is emotional, physical, financial, sexual and threatens their safety. Many people suffer in silence due to shame, concern for their well-being, and sometimes being unaware of how to break free from someone who is hurting them.

Some of the most common signs that you are in an abusive relationship are:

  • Being forced to engage is sexual activity
  • If your partner calls you names, uses obscene language with you
  • Financial manipulation
  • Hits, kicks or physically hurts you
  • Threatens to harm you or a loved one
  • Blames you for the behaviors they are exhibiting
  • Tries to control you or acts possessive

Despite these horrible actions and devastating statistics, there are people who survive and live productive lives. At the Passion Care Center we are committed to helping you re-narrate your story as a survivor and not a victim. There are techniques to assist individuals in regaining control of their emotional health, receiving supportive techniques to reduce the trauma symptoms and improve emotion regulation skills. If you or someone you know is in need of counseling, please reach out to one of our qualified licensed therapists to begin your journey to healing at www.thepassioncarecenter.com or call 732-410-7102.

If you or someone you know need to speak to someone and needs immediate help to get to a safe place, please reach out to the DV hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Written By: Jessica Bullock, LPC, LCADC, CCS